
creativor pushed to refs/remotes/origin/master at third-party/official-web

  • d55441f4be 需求-master-6904-官网新闻优化
  • 644675a0da 【官网后台-客户表单】查询接口查出超出查询条件的数据
  • 91947cc4fd 网站后台-排序规则;首页推荐用排序号排序,非首页推荐用发布时间排序
  • 15d8cfcfdc 网站后台-首页新闻排序位不需要过滤,相同排序位,修的新闻设置为非首页推荐
  • 3a02255b28 修复新闻文章设置排序后,在网站前台显示的顺序对不上

10 months ago

creativor created new branch refs/remotes/origin/master at third-party/official-web

10 months ago

creativor pushed to refs/remotes/origin/HEAD at third-party/official-web

  • d55441f4be 需求-master-6904-官网新闻优化
  • 644675a0da 【官网后台-客户表单】查询接口查出超出查询条件的数据
  • 91947cc4fd 网站后台-排序规则;首页推荐用排序号排序,非首页推荐用发布时间排序
  • 15d8cfcfdc 网站后台-首页新闻排序位不需要过滤,相同排序位,修的新闻设置为非首页推荐
  • 3a02255b28 修复新闻文章设置排序后,在网站前台显示的顺序对不上

10 months ago

creativor created new branch refs/remotes/origin/HEAD at third-party/official-web

10 months ago

creativor pushed to master at third-party/official-web

  • d55441f4be 需求-master-6904-官网新闻优化
  • 644675a0da 【官网后台-客户表单】查询接口查出超出查询条件的数据
  • 91947cc4fd 网站后台-排序规则;首页推荐用排序号排序,非首页推荐用发布时间排序
  • 15d8cfcfdc 网站后台-首页新闻排序位不需要过滤,相同排序位,修的新闻设置为非首页推荐
  • 3a02255b28 修复新闻文章设置排序后,在网站前台显示的顺序对不上

10 months ago

creativor created new branch master at third-party/official-web

10 months ago

creativor pushed to refs/remotes/origin/master at third-party/noVNC

  • 681f545766 可以根据参数去控制远程监控的清晰度
  • 3a70e079d9 git 上不放过大的程序,python,tightnvc软件移到svn上
  • f823b19fcb 远程监控部署的脚本、文档以及需要安装的软件
  • 703ef6823e 优化状态描述
  • 0b23cd4e43 去掉冗余的调试代码

10 months ago

creativor created new branch refs/remotes/origin/master at third-party/noVNC

10 months ago

creativor pushed to master at third-party/noVNC

  • 681f545766 可以根据参数去控制远程监控的清晰度
  • 3a70e079d9 git 上不放过大的程序,python,tightnvc软件移到svn上
  • f823b19fcb 远程监控部署的脚本、文档以及需要安装的软件
  • 703ef6823e 优化状态描述
  • 0b23cd4e43 去掉冗余的调试代码

10 months ago

creativor created new branch master at third-party/noVNC

10 months ago

creativor pushed to refs/remotes/origin/master at core/wlit-file-server

  • 9cd0904607 ${upload-path}添加默认值
  • 92d8ff96df 由于springboot不允许@Configuration的bean重名,因此TusCorsFilter需要该名且条件语句使用@ConditionalOnMissingBean
  • 6c16af759a 改英文提示为中文提示.
  • 0aa98f8f9c 修正POST请求API路径带"//"引起的问题
  • 8844f7c256 添加对外接口TusFileService及其实现,以及单元测试.

10 months ago

creativor created new branch refs/remotes/origin/master at core/wlit-file-server

10 months ago

creativor pushed to master at core/wlit-file-server

  • 9cd0904607 ${upload-path}添加默认值
  • 92d8ff96df 由于springboot不允许@Configuration的bean重名,因此TusCorsFilter需要该名且条件语句使用@ConditionalOnMissingBean
  • 6c16af759a 改英文提示为中文提示.
  • 0aa98f8f9c 修正POST请求API路径带"//"引起的问题
  • 8844f7c256 添加对外接口TusFileService及其实现,以及单元测试.

10 months ago

creativor created new branch master at core/wlit-file-server

10 months ago

creativor pushed to refs/remotes/origin/master at core/core

10 months ago

creativor created new branch refs/remotes/origin/master at core/core

10 months ago

creativor pushed to refs/remotes/origin/HEAD at core/core

10 months ago

creativor created new branch refs/remotes/origin/HEAD at core/core

10 months ago

creativor pushed to master at core/core

10 months ago

creativor created new branch master at core/core

10 months ago